The hard part about wallhacking on Counter Strike is finding a cheat that is undetected and free! There are so many companies who make poor quality products that just don’t meet up to their promises. We don’t believe that people should have to pay to wallhack on counter strike, so we made it possible that you don’t have to!Ĭheating on Counter Strike is pretty easy and hacks are not hard to come by. Not only are our wallhacks high quality, they are also free, for everyone to use. Our hacks are VAC undetected and have been undetected for around a year. We aim to give you the best quality wall hacks for CS 1.6 and Counter Strike: Source. We don’t believe that people should have to pay to CS 1.6 Wall Hack, so we made it possible that you don’t have to! Not only are our wall hacks high quality, they are also free, for everyone to use. Unlike most of our competitors, we provide VAC2 and VAC3 proof hacks for free! Welcome to CS 1.6 Wall Hack, here you will find quality wall hacks (and much more) for Counter Strike 1.6 and Counter Strike Source.